
Butter, salt, honey and truffle oil to flavor your dishes.

Our condiments should always be used raw or at least cooked only slightly in order to keep their aroma intact.
Truffle butter is excellent for stirring rice after cooking.

The truffle that enhances your dishes

White truffle oil

250 ml
Olio Extravergine di Oliva al tartufo bianco

White truffle oil

55 ml

Norcia black truffle oil

55 ml - 250 ml
Olio al tartufo nero di Norcia

Summer truffle oil

250 ml
Miele al tartufo

Truffle honey

100 g - 40 g
Sale con tartufo

Salt with truffle

100 g
Burro al tartufo estivo

Summer truffle butter

250 g - 80 g
Burro al tartufo estivo

Bianchetto truffle butter

250 g - 80 g

Truffle must

250 g

Truffle flavoring

60 g
Insaporitore alimentare al tartufo

Truffle flour

200 g

truffle butter

Truffle butter is excellent for stirring rice after cooking. Just cook it as usual and once cooked, add a spoonful of truffle butter off the heat.
It can also be used to flavor sauces and fillings or spread on bruschetta.

Truffle oil should be used in small quantities, because it has a very intense aroma and therefore a high yield.

Preparation for